Saturday, December 03, 2005

Fuses Checked

Charlie and Song,

It is important to check the fuses in the box that we close and open to run the machine. These are in the top of Promethius and furnish a three phase power to all of Promethius. Their resistance should be measured across each fuse when the switch is open.

Along the Keith's email as above, I checked the fuses in the Prometheus power switch box, they are all fine. I also checked the 3 phase voltage, they are good, too. Please see the picture, make sure the switch box is corrected.

I pumped the gases out from the LLG-Twin Excimer front end, these gases has been kept inside the chamber for one month, I am afraid the F2 gas may corrade the O rings. I filled ~1 atm Helium gas inside the both tubes.

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